Over the course of a football season, normal wear and tear can take a toll on helmets. The interior pads, airliners, and overall structure may sustain damage, potentially making the helmet unsafe to use. While football helmets typically last up to 10 years, regular reconditioning every two years is essential to ensure they remain safe and dependable.

As a member of the National Athletic Equipment Reconditioning Association (NAERA) and a licensed provider by the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE), we are committed to the highest safety and quality standards.


    • Ensures player has clean, sanitized, inspected, repaired, and recertified helmet
    • Maintains the appearance of quality with a professional, durable paint job

    • Ensures helmets meet NOCSAE standards and are safe for play
    • Prolongs the effective life of helmets
    • Advances player protection

  • COST

    • Reconditioning costs a fraction of what it costs to purchase a new helmet
    • Stabilizes athletic program costs
    • Reduces athletic program cost over the long run